Thursday, June 11, 2009


The day started at 8:20 am with Mr. Kamath telling us as to what we have to do, the basic principle of the day was TO EARN and NOT TO SPEND the money in our pocket, we were allowed to select our buddy, mine was Salil, a guy very fluent in marathi and his linguistic knowledge helped us a lot.
We stepped out of SIMS at around 9:35am, took a lift from the near by reliance fresh store on a scooter, to start on a scooter which actually had no leg rest was real fun, my legs were swinging in the air along wid the saree.The man dropped us near a circle after the store Pune Central.
We stood there and asked almost everybody to stop for a lift but after a minute a very kind lady stopped her car and gave us a lift till a road which ran parallel to the MG road around 10a,.
We finally saw the battle field where we had to prove that we are the real crusaders. Both of us started from a book store and the lady there refused us a job, the search was endless till 11am.
Finally we got a waiters job at a restaurant called Mona Food.We took orders there and served all the guests with water and even gave them the menu.
It was really funny when people gave me weird expressions because I couldn't understand marathi but spoke fluent english.The staff there was very helping they told us many details as to how to handle customers query, till what time sholud we wait for a customer to place the order.

The shop is very famous for its chana bhatura and almost every third customer orders it.We had reached the shop quite early so we even saw and scented water was spinkled all over the restaurant for it to smell good.We even went to there kitchen area which was very very hot and the work was on full swing there.

We worked there from 11:30am to 3:45pm, after which those people served us with their chana bhatura and coke, and i must say that it was very tasty. The guys at the restaurant became good friends of ours they also asked us to pay us a visit everytime we went to MG Road. The pay which I got was Rs 200, my first salary with a future vision of being a manager.

Apart from getting all this experince I even learnt there that an average man consumes approx 35 tons of food in his life span. this was amazing and unique fact.
The ride back to railway station was much more fun because we got a ride in an army truck we were around 12 people in which there were around 8 girls,to climb an army truck in a saree made me feel like a winner but the meet there was dispersed by the time we reached railway station.
Initially i really felt it would be a boring exercise but after coming back I will now count it as the most fonding memory of 2nd day at college where I roamed around the camp without even spending a single penny, instead i earned 200 bucks.

Thanks SIMS for making me realise that I have the potential...!!